Who We Are






"Everything changes but the Boltzmann Constant"

We are a management and HR consultant firm with our founder's experience in the fields of HR and law, attained at international companies.

In case it is true that most people are longing for things they feel they are missing, no wonder if smaller, developing companies strive for some sort of control and order, whilst overregulated and standardized bigger ones try to move towards a more human-faced and more motivating environment.

We do not think there is a standard approach to address the internal difficulties of companies presented by structural growth and a constantly changing business environment. Arising problems cannot always be solved and balance cannot be adequately restored by consulting a "Big Book of best solutions in all situations" or applying patterns suggested by parent companies only.

Perhaps, the reason for such problem is that unexpected, major structural changes significantly transform the "motivational map" of both the employees and the management. New interests appear, along with new objectives, and hitherto greatly valued experience and knowledge may loose its significance while, in accordance with the given structural changes, the role of previously less recognized units and personnel may suddenly become more important. This process may either continue, involving even more people, or it may be reversed by the next structural change. If it is true that it is not the company itself but its employees and management who can make profit for a company, then it might also be true that the efficiency of a company is greatly influenced by the state of motivation of such people.

This is why we believe that when preparing structural changes or developing new strategies, it is worth identifying hidden factors, with the help of which structural problems brought by these changes can be understood and solved. Yet these factors are so unique with each company that a general "Big Book" approach or the solutions suggested by parent companies should be adjusted to the particular needs of individual companies and to the particular situation. Or completely new solutions have to be found.

Sometimes old reflexes remain in place, despite the structural changes brought along by growth. Companies grow, yet their routine methods of communication, decision making, planning, cooperation, enforcement of interests etc. still live on. In such cases, the management is often too close to the problem and is influenced by its own reflexes too heavily to be able to offer effective solutions to such problems.

This is why we think that ready-made, general solutions always effective for the management do not exist, since often both the problems and their solutions are situational based, specific to individual companies.

The unbalanced growth of companies is often characterized by such phenomena as: loss of key personnel, a decline in the motivation of employees, sinking of the management (or part of it) into operational and administrative tasks, a higher general stress level, increasing careless attitude, apathetic work performance. Such growth might result in the loss of community feeling, a decline in innovation and creativity, a growing fear of becoming unemployed, lower respect for the work of others, setting of increasingly shorter-term goals, and the disappearance of old values without the creation of new ones. Part or all of these phenomena may create a situation in which most of the companies' organizational energy is focused on solving internal problems instead of on achieving business objectives.

Can all these problems be solved? Not all of them perhaps. Nevertheless, a balance upset by rapid changes and growth can be restored, or at least improved, if decision makers are prepared to deal with not only the problems but also with the reasons behind them, because good decisions can only be made on issues that we understand.

We support our clients to reach that.



Registered Seat of Company:
Barackos út 42
2000 Szentendre,

Managing Director :
dr. Tamás Mezey

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