<< What We Do
Corporate Handbook
The Handbook is a web-interfaced knowledge base in an editable Microsoft Word format that can be
uploaded to company intranets. It makes a company's most important internal rules and information
available in one place for every employee.
The Handbook is primarily recommended to rapidly growing midsized companies of 80 to 200
employees, in which internal communication needs to be upgraded and certain rules are missing
while others are sporadically available and hard to find forcing the management to spend
increasingly more time on answering questions that could be avoided by the use of a comprehensive
information database.
The Handbook provides new employees (as well as old ones) with a comprehensive overview of the
company's operation and makes them aware of the internal rules and information that concern them.
Click here for the table of contents
listing main chapters (JPG).
Advantages of introducing the Handbook:
Internal communication significantly
improves and becomes institutionalized to the necessary extent
Valuable elements of existing "unwritten laws" become written - thus fixed
-norms, while less tenable elements are replaced by new written rules
A hitherto sporadic yet important internal knowledge base becomes permanent and
ready for further development
Less administrative and operational burden on management, HR and financial staff
Internal operation becomes more predictable, increasing confidence in management
Fewer loopholes in the area of compensation and reimbursement
Improved coordination between internal operation and legal requirements
New employees are provided with key company values and information appear in a clear
and retrievable format for new employees
By customizing the chapters based on market practices, companies can create a
knowledge base that expresses their individual characteristics and special requirements
Possible disadvantages of introducing the Handbook:
Once the Handbook has been introduced, "direct control" will inevitably be replaced by
written and published rules at certain areas, which some leaders might experience it as a loss of
power, since with the appearance of new rules, their personal role in decision making will be reduced.
Therefore, we recommend the use of the Handbook to leaders who believe that cutting operational
expenses and increasing transparency is more important than retaining personal decision making power
and value trust and higher efficiency resulting from a more open communication process more than
possessing information.

Registered Seat of Company:
Barackos út 42
2000 Szentendre,
Managing Director :
dr. Tamás Mezey
Company Registration Number:
Tax number:
